Building a Modern Workforce

Includes pay, staffing structure, and ways to meet the change of filling workforce capacity needs amongst the firefighting community and the broader risk reduction workforce.

Whether addressing needs before, during, or after wildfire, the workforce is essential. Yet, the wildfire workforce is under strain. Federal agencies continue to struggle with recruitment and retention, hiring, and pay while the pre- and post-fire workforces remain critically under capacity in both the public and private sector. To address these challenges, the Commission made a number of recommendations related to recruitment and retention (R84-R88), workforce expansion (R89-R94), and training (R95-R96). Importantly, the Commission saw a need to create a workforce primarily focused on mitigation (R84), helping to create the needed shift from a reactive to proactive stance towards wildfire. Additionally, the Commission felt it was essential to protect worker health and wellbeing (R97-R101) as well as to provide affordable and safe housing (R102-R103).

“… increased workforce capacity is essential for sustaining fire response, risk reduction (including the use of beneficial fire) and recovery. … Without this robust workforce, many of the Commission’s recommendations become far less feasible and may, in fact, become impossible.” p. 157